Thursday, April 29, 2010


For what profit is it to a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what will a man take in exchange for his very soul? Matt. 16:26

"Greetings in the precious name of Jesus"

This week I would like to expound on one of the seven deadly sins, which is greed. Is greed a driving force in your life? If so, do you understand the ramifications that greed has on you? What will you do for money, things or relationships? Are you giving more to get less? Let’s examine this thing called greed. What is greed? Greed is defined as the excessive desire for more than one needs or deserves or having a strong urge to obtain or possess something, esp. material wealth in quantity. Wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume.

The commandments speak against the sinful nature of greed. It says “Thou shall not covet” Ex. 20:17. The world system is built on greed, for money, things, the depth of which is never filled. How much is enough? Our whole life is geared toward getting more, by whatever means necessary. The appetite is never satisfied, it always wants more. A man is measured by how much money he has and not by the kind of man he is in character. In this world the evil have more than the righteous because they are greedy for filthy money or money period. They will do anything for money. Their creed is everyone has their price. My question to you is what is your price?

We are in a state of depression; jobs are being loss by the thousands. We live in the riches country in the world and yet we have some of the poorest people. Why? How is this possible? One simple answer is greed. Many of us have more than enough, others do not have enough. There is plenty to go around, but we are not willing to share what we have in abundance. This too creates greed in those that do not have. Creating lack, creates need, need creates greed. There is so much that could be said but I cannot talk to you as spiritual, but as carnal, it cannot be received or understood.

Sadly to say, as the rich man said to Jesus, I have obeyed the commandments from my youth, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus answered and said “Go and sell all that you have and give to the poor and come and follow me. He could not do such a thing, because he had many riches.Matt.19:20-21. To him that has an ear to hear, let him hear, what the spirit says to the churches. I will quote a saying by Vance Havner “Salt seasons, purifies, preserves, but somebody ought to remind us that salt also irritates. Real living Christianity rubs this world the wrong way.”

I will try to put my closing words in a way it would be somewhat received. Everything we do in our worldly lives come to nothing. We work toward creating a comfortable life for ourselves and our families, but in the end nothing ever belongs to us. The houses we work thirty years to pay for can end up being loss to taxes or the car we work 5-7 years to pay for we have to pay to drive, we pay taxes on the money we make and pay taxes to spend that same money. So do any of these things ever belong to us? I know this does not paint a pretty picture, but the truth is the light. Let us not worship the things of this world, because the only thing we can take with us is salvation through Christ Jesus.

In closing, don’t live a life of greed; seeking more than you are receiving. The word tells us to consider the things of this world, use them but don’t abuse them nor make gods out of them. Living that kind of life is like playing the lottery, only one will win the prize and there are thousands of losers. We all hope to win, but that is impossible. But giving your life to God through Christ Jesus, we all can win. Amen.

Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you. Love her and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4: 5-7

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