Sunday, September 27, 2009

Morality or Spirituality

Can a man live a moral life and not be spiritual? Can a man obey the law and not be spiritual? Can a man be religious and not be spiritual? These are valid questions. I was watching a program the other night about the ten laws (the ten commandments). The one being addressed was the commandment " Thou shalt not commit Adultery". There were quite a few opinions about this matter, which extended to the question, was man born to be unfaithful? Some answered yes, others answered no. What do you say?

Lets address the first of the previous questions. (#1) Can a man live a moral life and not be spiritual? I say yes. How so you may ask ? By obeying the law. The law does not have the power to change man's heart or mind. The law only serves to make man aware of his sins (Rom. 5:13). The law cannot make a man righteous before God (Heb.10:1-2). The letter of the law killeth (2 Corinth. 3:6).

Secondly, (#2) Can a man obey the law and not be righteous or spiritual? Yes, if you live under and by the law, you are living under sin. You must be born again. (Read Rom. 7:4-25) " very revealing". The law does not have the power to make a man righteous.

Thirdly, (#3) Can a man be religious and not be spiritual? Yes, there is a difference . The spirit revealed this to me. Religious people know what to do, but spiritual people know how to do. There are many religions in the world, but can any of them deliver you from sin or give you salvation? Many people do things religiously everyday. Religion is simply a way of life. If religion can change a man, why is there so much hatred, prejudice, jealously, enviousness, and strife in the church? Where these things exist, there is no power or spirit (not the right kind).

I close with these passages from (Rom. 10:1-4). Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.

May God bless and keep you all , until next week through Christ Jesus . Amen.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Fall of Man - Part II

When God created man, he had everything that was needed to survive. God also gave him dominion or ruler ship over all the creatures of the earth (Gen.1:26). He was full of godly wisdom , knowledge and understanding. He did not have free will, but he did have choice. that choice was given to him in (Gen. 2:15).

And God saw that it was not good for man to be alone Gen. 2:18). All the other creatures had mates, but man had no suitable mate. So God caused man to fall into a deep sleep and he took one of man's ribs and closed the place with flesh(Gen. 2:21). Then God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of man and brought her to him (Gen. 2:20-25).

The man said "This is now flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone ; She shall be called woman ; for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh. The man and woman were both naked and they felt no shame, because there was no knowledge of sin in them (Gen. 2:20-25)

Now comes temptation, remember man did not have free will, but he did have choice. He is either subject to God's will or Satan's. The question remains, why did the serpent approach Eve and not Adam? To clarify this point, Adam was created in God's image after his likeness therefore, he could not be tempted by evil. So the serpent approached Eve the weaker vessel.

Some would argue this point, but let wisdom prevail. When Adam saw the woman he said "This is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone, but he did not say "Spirit of my spirit". Therefore, she was the weaker vessel, subject to carnal thinking. Her husband did safely trust in her, so he listened to her as she had listened to the serpent. Sin was born into the world, which is disobedience to God's law. The wages of sin is death Rom. 6:23).

The act of sin brought a curse on the woman and the serpent , but God did not curse man , for he was created in his own image. He cursed the ground for Adam's sake (Gen. 3:17-19). Now the battle continues to wage between man and woman until this day. For example the old adage of women's lib, (I am equal to man, I can do anything a man can do, etc.).

The only way man can win is to take his rightful place and teach the woman (Eph. 5:22-33). Thereby, redeeming the woman and himself back into the position of grace in God. This can only be done through "Jesus Christ " which is the second Adam. So until next week may the grace of God bless and keep you.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Soul Purpose /Why am I Here?

This week I will attempt to address the question that at one time or another man asks himself. " Why am I here"? Through out our lives we experience many different things, some good and some bad. Others strange or hurtful. Many we accept and embrace, others we wrestle with without understanding, often asking why? What did I do for this to happen to me ? Believe it or not, there is a purpose for us being here and all that we go through. Let me elaborate.

In the beginning God created the heavens and earth with all the living creatures and said "It is Good". He then created man from the dust of the ground and blew the breath of life into him . And man became a living soul. Was this an act of God so he could try and torment man ? No, to the contrary. It was the beginning of an awesome plan. God first made the decision to create man in his image, after his likeness created he him, male and female created he them. (Read Gen. 1:26-27, 2:7, 9:6) So now this living soul had to have purpose. What was and is that purpose? The answer to this question is obvious to those of spiritual knowledge. God created man to be conformed to his image, to become sons of God. (Read Rom. 8:28-30)

There is a difference between the sons of God and the sons of mortal man. They each serve different masters. (Read Gen. 6:2 ) One of the flesh and one of the spirit. The spirit man seeks to do the will of God and the fleshly man seeks to do the will of Satan.

Adam was created in God's image, until sin entered into him and separated him from God. He was driven out of paradise to fend for himself. (To be continued next week) (Read Gen. 3:1-23, Rom. 7:14-25)

So until next week, may God bless each and everyone and that you be transformed by the spirit to the renewing of your mind and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

True Power

This world (Satan's Kingdom) is not built on love or caring . It is built on love of vanity (Eccl. 1-2). Selfishness, Enviousness and strife are at the basic core. Out of these , awful things are inflicted upon mankind. Abuse, injury and death are everyday occurrence. Society has accepted, by the harding of the heart, these conditions that has led to loss of love or caring for one another. Fear reigns through out the world , the weak are preyed on daily.

Only the strong survive is the mindset. Laws have been put into effect,but the law does not change the heart of men. (Heb. 10:1-10). What it did was create another tool for evil to use against the poor and the weak. Those with money could hire the best lawyers and it became another hiding place for evil ,because the law was not perfect, it did not stop mans treatment of man.

Then " Jesus Christ" came into the world and showed us a better way, a way of strength (Heb. 10: 11-17). He showed us a way of exalting power over the enemy, that way is love. This is " True Power". Love your enemy,bless them that curse you and pray for them that wrongfully use you (Matt.5: 44-48). Jesus showed us the way to another world , a world of righteousness. That has and did change man and his perception of himself.

The world sees this as weak, but this is " True Power " Think of the strength it takes to look evil in the eye and say I forgive you or I love you. Even when they know they have done you wrong . This strength is not of man , but of God . For God is love (1 John: 4-7). He that does not love has never known him or seen him (1 John:4:12). In order to receive "True Power", you must be born again out of the flesh into the spirit (John:3-3). Therefore gaining power over the work of the flesh Creating a new You !!!. Hallelujah !!!

We cannot receive the "Power" unless we are born again and receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 1-8). There abides faith, Hope and charity(Love) and the greatest of these is charity (Love) (1 Corinth: 13-13). Then and only then can we have the strength to renew our minds daily (2 Corinth 4: 16-17). So don't give up on life , you can be changed. Pray and ask Jesus Christ to come into your life and accept him as your personal savior and I believe with you that you will be born again. Praise the lord !!!.
So until next week, may the lord bless and keep you all Amen.