Reconciliation: A reestablishment of friendship or harmony
And all things are of God,who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation. 2Cor.5:18
Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ,
This week I would like to address Christianity. There seems to be such controversy over Christianity vs. other religions and about who is right. If I may I would like to try and shed some light on the subject. There are so many arguments about Jesus Christ and who he was and is. I previously wrote on this matter, please refer to “Will the Real Jesus Please Stand".
First, let’s address some differences that lead to arguments. Some say our religion existed before Christianity; well this is true in a lot of cases, even in the Old Testament. The Jews had their religion based upon the Mosaic Law under the old covenant. So their argument had some validity, but the old covenant was not perfect; for the law could not save a man, nor reconcile him to God.
The devoutness and traditions still stand, but does not have the power of reconciliation. So there was a need for a new covenant which came through Jesus Christ by the shedding of his blood. For where there is no shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin, 1Co.11:25, Eph.1:7, Eph.2:13, Col.1:20, Heb.9:12, Heb.9:22, Heb.10:29, Rev.7:14. The veil was rent, which allows all to come to God through Christ Jesus.
Once we are reconciled unto God the Father, we become new creatures; sons and daughters of God. There is a story about an Eagle who thought he was a chicken, until another eagle showed him the truth about who he really was. He was suppose to soar the heavens not be grounded by ignorance. We are Children of the Most High God, created in his own image after his likeness.Gen.1:26 But as the eagle we think we are mankind.
There is a difference between sons of God and mankind. There are children of God and there are children of darkness. These sometime take on the appearance of children of light and pervert the truth. Our purpose is to enlighten the Gentiles about God’s son Jesus Christ; who brought salvation to the face of all people. See Luke 2:25-33. Jesus came for more than one reason. I will name a few, 1) To bring light to a world of darkness. 2) To redeem that which was lost. 3) To bring division. See Matt. 10:34-36. 4) To bring reconciliation to the lost. Matt.18:11.
Children, believe not every spirit and study to show yourself approved to God, not to man. Seek not riches or the things of this world. God knows you have need of these things and he will provide all your needs according to his riches in glory. See Matt.6:8, Phil.4:19. God’s will for us is that we be prosperous and in good health, even as our soul prospers.
Many teach Prosperity by Jesus Christ, but the truth is thru seeking Christ first and being born again then prosperity will follow. There is nothing that God cannot do, except lie and fail. So if you will study Christ’s ministry instead of trying to figure out the man, you will see the truth.
Jesus never once said he was God; he said the Father sent him. He also said the works that he did were of God and the words he spoke were spoken in his ear by God. When he went up, he said I go to my Father and your Father, he never said I go to myself. God the Father has never left his throne, he sent his word that became flesh and walked among us. God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believes in him shall not perish, but shall have everlasting life.
Put your treasures in Heaven where thieves do not break in and steal. For we seek another Kingdom not made by hands, where righteousness dwells. So in closing know this, it is not Christianity that is wrong it is man that perverts it. Until next time may God’s grace and mercy be upon you and bring you into reconciliation with God through Christ Jesus. Amen
For if, when we were God’s enemies, “we were reconciled” to him through the death of his son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!” Not only is this so, but we rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. Rom.10:11
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Rev. 13:9 If anyone has an ear, Let him hear
This week I would like to address a very prevalent issue or problem that is consistent at one time or another in all our lives. The issue I’m referring to is communication. What does it mean to communicate? Communication is defined as “The exchange of ideas by writing, speech, or signals”. We communicate in various different ways by body language, verbally, and through the written word. So one must be apt in all three in order to fully receive or comprehend what is being communicated. Many of us fail to comprehend what is being communicated; because we actually believe we heard what was said. Sometimes it is because we believe we already know what is said or do not respect the person that is saying it. Therefore, failing to listen and sever communication.
Secondly, one must be a good listener in order to hear and learn. Listening means: To make an effort to hear something. Which brings me to my next point, how we listen. Do we listen to or at what is being communicated? What do I mean by that question? Well, an example of listening to is when someone speaks to you, you hear the words and they enter into your hearing, then enter into your brain and are processed into your understanding. It is then stored for future reference. Now an example of listening at; someone speaks something to you and you hear the words and assume you already understand what is being said. So the words do not enter into your brain for processing; because your brain is already convinced it knows so it rejects what is said.
Listening is an art, which must be learned and mastered, in order to know. We must know in order to achieve, we must achieve in order to grow. We learn to listen from birth through communication. The sounds a baby hears it learns to replicate, the actions it sees it learns to do, thereby perfecting the art of listening. As it learns and grow the brain starts to use what it learned and begins to think it knows. Then the art of listening starts to diminish. Those that continue to listen continue to learn and grow. Those that fail to do so become stagnated and limited. I attended class in college with a seventy year old woman; she had obtained a number of degrees. I asked her why she was still going to school? She replied “I may never use what I’m learning, but as long as I’m actively using my mind it will stay sharp. It reminded me of a saying “If you don’t use it you will loose it”. She was a perfect example of this saying. So in closing, always stay open to listening, learning, and achieving.
May God bless you with a sound mind, a strong and healthy body, so you too can achieve and do His perfect will. These and other blessings are my pray for you all, in the precious name of Jesus. Amen
Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him. Luke 8:18
This week I would like to address a very prevalent issue or problem that is consistent at one time or another in all our lives. The issue I’m referring to is communication. What does it mean to communicate? Communication is defined as “The exchange of ideas by writing, speech, or signals”. We communicate in various different ways by body language, verbally, and through the written word. So one must be apt in all three in order to fully receive or comprehend what is being communicated. Many of us fail to comprehend what is being communicated; because we actually believe we heard what was said. Sometimes it is because we believe we already know what is said or do not respect the person that is saying it. Therefore, failing to listen and sever communication.
Secondly, one must be a good listener in order to hear and learn. Listening means: To make an effort to hear something. Which brings me to my next point, how we listen. Do we listen to or at what is being communicated? What do I mean by that question? Well, an example of listening to is when someone speaks to you, you hear the words and they enter into your hearing, then enter into your brain and are processed into your understanding. It is then stored for future reference. Now an example of listening at; someone speaks something to you and you hear the words and assume you already understand what is being said. So the words do not enter into your brain for processing; because your brain is already convinced it knows so it rejects what is said.
Listening is an art, which must be learned and mastered, in order to know. We must know in order to achieve, we must achieve in order to grow. We learn to listen from birth through communication. The sounds a baby hears it learns to replicate, the actions it sees it learns to do, thereby perfecting the art of listening. As it learns and grow the brain starts to use what it learned and begins to think it knows. Then the art of listening starts to diminish. Those that continue to listen continue to learn and grow. Those that fail to do so become stagnated and limited. I attended class in college with a seventy year old woman; she had obtained a number of degrees. I asked her why she was still going to school? She replied “I may never use what I’m learning, but as long as I’m actively using my mind it will stay sharp. It reminded me of a saying “If you don’t use it you will loose it”. She was a perfect example of this saying. So in closing, always stay open to listening, learning, and achieving.
May God bless you with a sound mind, a strong and healthy body, so you too can achieve and do His perfect will. These and other blessings are my pray for you all, in the precious name of Jesus. Amen
Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him. Luke 8:18
Thursday, April 29, 2010
For what profit is it to a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what will a man take in exchange for his very soul? Matt. 16:26
"Greetings in the precious name of Jesus"
This week I would like to expound on one of the seven deadly sins, which is greed. Is greed a driving force in your life? If so, do you understand the ramifications that greed has on you? What will you do for money, things or relationships? Are you giving more to get less? Let’s examine this thing called greed. What is greed? Greed is defined as the excessive desire for more than one needs or deserves or having a strong urge to obtain or possess something, esp. material wealth in quantity. Wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume.
The commandments speak against the sinful nature of greed. It says “Thou shall not covet” Ex. 20:17. The world system is built on greed, for money, things, the depth of which is never filled. How much is enough? Our whole life is geared toward getting more, by whatever means necessary. The appetite is never satisfied, it always wants more. A man is measured by how much money he has and not by the kind of man he is in character. In this world the evil have more than the righteous because they are greedy for filthy money or money period. They will do anything for money. Their creed is everyone has their price. My question to you is what is your price?
We are in a state of depression; jobs are being loss by the thousands. We live in the riches country in the world and yet we have some of the poorest people. Why? How is this possible? One simple answer is greed. Many of us have more than enough, others do not have enough. There is plenty to go around, but we are not willing to share what we have in abundance. This too creates greed in those that do not have. Creating lack, creates need, need creates greed. There is so much that could be said but I cannot talk to you as spiritual, but as carnal, it cannot be received or understood.
Sadly to say, as the rich man said to Jesus, I have obeyed the commandments from my youth, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus answered and said “Go and sell all that you have and give to the poor and come and follow me. He could not do such a thing, because he had many riches.Matt.19:20-21. To him that has an ear to hear, let him hear, what the spirit says to the churches. I will quote a saying by Vance Havner “Salt seasons, purifies, preserves, but somebody ought to remind us that salt also irritates. Real living Christianity rubs this world the wrong way.”
I will try to put my closing words in a way it would be somewhat received. Everything we do in our worldly lives come to nothing. We work toward creating a comfortable life for ourselves and our families, but in the end nothing ever belongs to us. The houses we work thirty years to pay for can end up being loss to taxes or the car we work 5-7 years to pay for we have to pay to drive, we pay taxes on the money we make and pay taxes to spend that same money. So do any of these things ever belong to us? I know this does not paint a pretty picture, but the truth is the light. Let us not worship the things of this world, because the only thing we can take with us is salvation through Christ Jesus.
In closing, don’t live a life of greed; seeking more than you are receiving. The word tells us to consider the things of this world, use them but don’t abuse them nor make gods out of them. Living that kind of life is like playing the lottery, only one will win the prize and there are thousands of losers. We all hope to win, but that is impossible. But giving your life to God through Christ Jesus, we all can win. Amen.
Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you. Love her and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4: 5-7
"Greetings in the precious name of Jesus"
This week I would like to expound on one of the seven deadly sins, which is greed. Is greed a driving force in your life? If so, do you understand the ramifications that greed has on you? What will you do for money, things or relationships? Are you giving more to get less? Let’s examine this thing called greed. What is greed? Greed is defined as the excessive desire for more than one needs or deserves or having a strong urge to obtain or possess something, esp. material wealth in quantity. Wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume.
The commandments speak against the sinful nature of greed. It says “Thou shall not covet” Ex. 20:17. The world system is built on greed, for money, things, the depth of which is never filled. How much is enough? Our whole life is geared toward getting more, by whatever means necessary. The appetite is never satisfied, it always wants more. A man is measured by how much money he has and not by the kind of man he is in character. In this world the evil have more than the righteous because they are greedy for filthy money or money period. They will do anything for money. Their creed is everyone has their price. My question to you is what is your price?
We are in a state of depression; jobs are being loss by the thousands. We live in the riches country in the world and yet we have some of the poorest people. Why? How is this possible? One simple answer is greed. Many of us have more than enough, others do not have enough. There is plenty to go around, but we are not willing to share what we have in abundance. This too creates greed in those that do not have. Creating lack, creates need, need creates greed. There is so much that could be said but I cannot talk to you as spiritual, but as carnal, it cannot be received or understood.
Sadly to say, as the rich man said to Jesus, I have obeyed the commandments from my youth, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus answered and said “Go and sell all that you have and give to the poor and come and follow me. He could not do such a thing, because he had many riches.Matt.19:20-21. To him that has an ear to hear, let him hear, what the spirit says to the churches. I will quote a saying by Vance Havner “Salt seasons, purifies, preserves, but somebody ought to remind us that salt also irritates. Real living Christianity rubs this world the wrong way.”
I will try to put my closing words in a way it would be somewhat received. Everything we do in our worldly lives come to nothing. We work toward creating a comfortable life for ourselves and our families, but in the end nothing ever belongs to us. The houses we work thirty years to pay for can end up being loss to taxes or the car we work 5-7 years to pay for we have to pay to drive, we pay taxes on the money we make and pay taxes to spend that same money. So do any of these things ever belong to us? I know this does not paint a pretty picture, but the truth is the light. Let us not worship the things of this world, because the only thing we can take with us is salvation through Christ Jesus.
In closing, don’t live a life of greed; seeking more than you are receiving. The word tells us to consider the things of this world, use them but don’t abuse them nor make gods out of them. Living that kind of life is like playing the lottery, only one will win the prize and there are thousands of losers. We all hope to win, but that is impossible. But giving your life to God through Christ Jesus, we all can win. Amen.
Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you. Love her and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4: 5-7
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Character: (1) The combination of emotional, intellectual and moral qualities that distinguishes an individual. (2) A distinctive element (3) Moral and ethical strength.
This week I would like to address one of most important component of a man or person. That component is character, why character? What is so important about character? Let’s explore the meaning of character in detail. Character is the disposition, which is a person’s customary manner of emotional response. (Frame of mind). One operates from their mental capacity, which is linked to their emotions (i.e. anger, compassion, jealousy, envy, strife and lust). Most never reach any higher than their emotional level. The next level is intellectual or mental ability. As long as one is bound by ignorance, which is a spirit, there is no chance for growth, mentally or spiritually.
Satan keeps one in a state of ignorance, which is a state of hopelessness. The ability to achieve reasonable intelligence seems out of reach for many. To further understand intelligence, let’s define its meaning: it is the faculty of thinking, reasoning, acquiring and applying knowledge. This leads us to the next component which is morals. Moral is the ability to recognize and apply the principles of right or good conduct.
All of the above mentioned components are missing in a large portion of society, through no fault of their own. A person is the product of their environment. We learn from what we see and hear, starting in our formative years.These years 1-5 form how we see ourselves and our behavior toward our self and others. Most of us are victims of generational curses, sin passed down through the generations. Who shall declare this generation? Acts 8:33
How can a man see freedom, if he does not recognize it? Even if he sees it he does not reach for it, he has been in bondage so long; he believes that is his normal plight in life. He has lost all hope. How can he regain lost hope? Ironic as it may seem , it is regained through tribulation, which produces perseverance and perseverance produces character and character produces hope. Rom. 5:2-5 How do we regain this hope? Through massagers Of God, that is sent into this world to let us know that God loves us.
In the Old Testament it was the prophets that gave the people hope. This was done up to John the Baptist. He came to bare witness to the greatest hope , The Kingdom Of God. That hope is through Jesus Christ: through whom also we have access by faith into this Grace in which we stand and rejoice in hope of the Glory of God. Rom. 5:2
He established this hope by sacrificing himself for our sins. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5:6 and 5:8. Then we can be born-again and receive his Holy Spirit, thereby developing character. So let us attain to this Hope that there is more than this world’s sinful ways, that death and the grave is not the end. He did this by His resurrection, thereby establishing Hope that through Christ Jesus, we too will be resurrected in the last day, Amen and Hallelujah!!!!
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Phil.2:5
This week I would like to address one of most important component of a man or person. That component is character, why character? What is so important about character? Let’s explore the meaning of character in detail. Character is the disposition, which is a person’s customary manner of emotional response. (Frame of mind). One operates from their mental capacity, which is linked to their emotions (i.e. anger, compassion, jealousy, envy, strife and lust). Most never reach any higher than their emotional level. The next level is intellectual or mental ability. As long as one is bound by ignorance, which is a spirit, there is no chance for growth, mentally or spiritually.
Satan keeps one in a state of ignorance, which is a state of hopelessness. The ability to achieve reasonable intelligence seems out of reach for many. To further understand intelligence, let’s define its meaning: it is the faculty of thinking, reasoning, acquiring and applying knowledge. This leads us to the next component which is morals. Moral is the ability to recognize and apply the principles of right or good conduct.
All of the above mentioned components are missing in a large portion of society, through no fault of their own. A person is the product of their environment. We learn from what we see and hear, starting in our formative years.These years 1-5 form how we see ourselves and our behavior toward our self and others. Most of us are victims of generational curses, sin passed down through the generations. Who shall declare this generation? Acts 8:33
How can a man see freedom, if he does not recognize it? Even if he sees it he does not reach for it, he has been in bondage so long; he believes that is his normal plight in life. He has lost all hope. How can he regain lost hope? Ironic as it may seem , it is regained through tribulation, which produces perseverance and perseverance produces character and character produces hope. Rom. 5:2-5 How do we regain this hope? Through massagers Of God, that is sent into this world to let us know that God loves us.
In the Old Testament it was the prophets that gave the people hope. This was done up to John the Baptist. He came to bare witness to the greatest hope , The Kingdom Of God. That hope is through Jesus Christ: through whom also we have access by faith into this Grace in which we stand and rejoice in hope of the Glory of God. Rom. 5:2
He established this hope by sacrificing himself for our sins. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Rom. 5:6 and 5:8. Then we can be born-again and receive his Holy Spirit, thereby developing character. So let us attain to this Hope that there is more than this world’s sinful ways, that death and the grave is not the end. He did this by His resurrection, thereby establishing Hope that through Christ Jesus, we too will be resurrected in the last day, Amen and Hallelujah!!!!
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Phil.2:5
Are You Living Life Or Is Life Living You?
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10
Greetings in the precious name of Jesus!
What kind of life are you living? Is it one of joy or one of pain, torment, and sorrow? All the things I thought would bring me joy, only brought me pain. Why? I constantly asked myself, had I done something wrong for life to be so unfair? Even as a child I had to endure so many hardships, from family and outsiders. What had I done so wrong that caused me to endure so much pain and heartache? I’m sure that many of you can relate to what I’m saying. I did not understand at the time why others seemed to have things that I had to do without; why they seemed loved and I felt so unloved.
Was I born to be picked out to be picked on? It can really seem that way, but that is far from the truth. Mind you, when you are going through the only thing you see or feel is what you are experiencing. The loneliness and rejection seem insurmountable. I didn’t know that these things were happening to me for a reason. What is the reason you ask? Well, it takes a long time for some of us to come to the truth. Let me try and explain: One’s life can seem so bleak and desolate, especially when no one seems to care. We first must understand the process of life. We are born in sin and shaped in iniquity. Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.Ps.51:5
I did not understand that God loved me and the world hated me without a cause. It was not something I had done: it was who I was. As it is with all of God’s children, You are special and set apart from the world. Satan does not want you to know who you are, so he persecutes you to try and make you like the world. As the scriptures said in Matt. 11:12 Satan takes the Kingdom of Heaven by force (The children of God). When you do not know who you are, you start to try and man please just to be accepted. This too does not work, because you only end up being used and abused. Eventually, you become mean and hardhearted, unable to love.
This is when you are not living life, life is living you. Every thought and feeling is the opposite of what it is suppose to be,Rom.7:15.You go through to get through. What does that mean? I (self) must die, not physically but spiritually, which means you must be born-again, out of the flesh into the spirit. I wouldn’t want anyone thinking they had to die or kill themselves. In order to inherit the kingdom of God; you must be born-again. John 3:3-6
Now, the abundant life that Jesus spoke of in John 10:10. Some may say I’m already living an abundant life. I have a good job, family, friends, and money. Are you really living an abundant life? If you are not born-again, I tell you no. Why? Without the love of God these things mean nothing. These are the cares of this world and they don’t bring happiness. They are only temporary; we can lose any or all of these things at any time. What happens when everything you possess and your loved ones are gone? What do you have then? Living for these things is only living for the flesh, you cannot take it with you. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirit, the things of the spirit. Rom.8:5-6 Then you can experience the abundant life Jesus talked about.
To sum it up,you reach the end of “I“(self) which lives under the law and is in bondage and become born-again, free from sin and death. Rom.8:2 By accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior,you become a new creature. (A son of God) Amen.
For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the Sons of God. Rom. 8:13-14
Greetings in the precious name of Jesus!
What kind of life are you living? Is it one of joy or one of pain, torment, and sorrow? All the things I thought would bring me joy, only brought me pain. Why? I constantly asked myself, had I done something wrong for life to be so unfair? Even as a child I had to endure so many hardships, from family and outsiders. What had I done so wrong that caused me to endure so much pain and heartache? I’m sure that many of you can relate to what I’m saying. I did not understand at the time why others seemed to have things that I had to do without; why they seemed loved and I felt so unloved.
Was I born to be picked out to be picked on? It can really seem that way, but that is far from the truth. Mind you, when you are going through the only thing you see or feel is what you are experiencing. The loneliness and rejection seem insurmountable. I didn’t know that these things were happening to me for a reason. What is the reason you ask? Well, it takes a long time for some of us to come to the truth. Let me try and explain: One’s life can seem so bleak and desolate, especially when no one seems to care. We first must understand the process of life. We are born in sin and shaped in iniquity. Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.Ps.51:5
I did not understand that God loved me and the world hated me without a cause. It was not something I had done: it was who I was. As it is with all of God’s children, You are special and set apart from the world. Satan does not want you to know who you are, so he persecutes you to try and make you like the world. As the scriptures said in Matt. 11:12 Satan takes the Kingdom of Heaven by force (The children of God). When you do not know who you are, you start to try and man please just to be accepted. This too does not work, because you only end up being used and abused. Eventually, you become mean and hardhearted, unable to love.
This is when you are not living life, life is living you. Every thought and feeling is the opposite of what it is suppose to be,Rom.7:15.You go through to get through. What does that mean? I (self) must die, not physically but spiritually, which means you must be born-again, out of the flesh into the spirit. I wouldn’t want anyone thinking they had to die or kill themselves. In order to inherit the kingdom of God; you must be born-again. John 3:3-6
Now, the abundant life that Jesus spoke of in John 10:10. Some may say I’m already living an abundant life. I have a good job, family, friends, and money. Are you really living an abundant life? If you are not born-again, I tell you no. Why? Without the love of God these things mean nothing. These are the cares of this world and they don’t bring happiness. They are only temporary; we can lose any or all of these things at any time. What happens when everything you possess and your loved ones are gone? What do you have then? Living for these things is only living for the flesh, you cannot take it with you. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirit, the things of the spirit. Rom.8:5-6 Then you can experience the abundant life Jesus talked about.
To sum it up,you reach the end of “I“(self) which lives under the law and is in bondage and become born-again, free from sin and death. Rom.8:2 By accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior,you become a new creature. (A son of God) Amen.
For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the Sons of God. Rom. 8:13-14
Monday, February 15, 2010
Where is the Love?
Greetings in the name of Jesus,
We have entered a new year, 2010, by the grace of God and it seems that our faith is being tried again. This year has brought trials and blessings, trials in the form of human suffering, blessings in the form of humanity rising to meet the challenge of coming to the aid of our fellow man. There are many that have erred during this time of crisis in Haiti, but there are more that stood to meet the challenge. Praise God!
This leads me to this year’s first weekly word and to those of you that have taken the time to read them, thank-you. I hope they are a blessing to you. Some have said that my posts are too hard, that I should soften them somewhat. Well to them I simply say “the truth stands alone, whether we agree or disagree”. Beloved, we are in the last days and the truth must be told. Some are so concerned with pacifying people and God forbid if you say something to offend someone,all hell breaks loose. If I don’t tell you the truth as the spirit gives it to me, then woe unto me. My intentions are not to deliberately hurt anyone, only for you to ponder and search yourselves. Having said this here is this week’s word.
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:8
How many of us are so far from these words or state of being? The answer lies within each one of us. Do you know what love is? I know that for myself for many years I didn’t know; I only knew I hadn’t found it in my life. When I went out into the world love was one of the things I was searching for. Truly, I believe we all are searching for love; both the good and evil have that yearning to be loved. We may not know love, but we desire it. Without love we have emptiness or a void in our soul.
Let’s explore the desire for love and how it affects our lives. Not knowing what love is sets us up to be deceived. The carnal mind cannot comprehend love; but it can comprehend lust. This takes on the form of love. We begin to think that love is self gratifying. This is far from the truth, because love is a giving spirit. It causes one to prosper and grow. Wherein lust takes and causes one to suffer.
Lust serves the flesh, which serves Satan. Love serves the spirit, which serves God. These two war against one another and have very different results. Gal. 5:17 Lust only cares for what “I” can get or it’s all about me. These carry over into our lives, relationships and family; causing all kind of problems. These problems go back as far as Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel and continue until now. Lust is the cause of most, if not all, of our problems in life. You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss (for the wrong reason), that you may spend it on your pleasures. James 4:2-3. The love (lust) of money is the root of all kinds of evil. 1 Tim.6:10. We tend to think that money will solve all our problems; how wrong that is. Money only makes way to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. There is no love involved. All kind of unspeakable deeds are done through lust. 2 Peter 1-4
Love accomplishes an entirely different purpose. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Jn 3:16. In this we see that love is giving and not taking. It is the opposite of lust. We cannot love if we do not know God, by receiving his Holy Spirit, by being born again. Then we receive the spirit of love. Oh! How great a love He has blessed us with. Amen.
Some have tried to say that Jesus’ sacrifice was self-serving. I disagree, the sacrifice of Christ was God’s demonstration of His love toward us, even while we were yet in sin, He loved us and sent His Son to die for us that we might be redeemed back to Him. Rom 5:8, 5:10
Having said this, do you have the love of God in you, by His Holy Spirit? Rom 5:5. Have you been born-again? Do you know God through our Lord Jesus Christ? Are you walking in that love? Do you have a form of godliness but deny the power (Holy Spirit)? Consider these questions and the answers, only you and God know if you are living in lust or love.
God bless and keep you and grant you His Grace and Mercy through Christ Jesus. Amen
If someone say “I love God “and hate his brother or sister, he is a liar; for who does not love his brother or sister whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? 1John 4:20
We have entered a new year, 2010, by the grace of God and it seems that our faith is being tried again. This year has brought trials and blessings, trials in the form of human suffering, blessings in the form of humanity rising to meet the challenge of coming to the aid of our fellow man. There are many that have erred during this time of crisis in Haiti, but there are more that stood to meet the challenge. Praise God!
This leads me to this year’s first weekly word and to those of you that have taken the time to read them, thank-you. I hope they are a blessing to you. Some have said that my posts are too hard, that I should soften them somewhat. Well to them I simply say “the truth stands alone, whether we agree or disagree”. Beloved, we are in the last days and the truth must be told. Some are so concerned with pacifying people and God forbid if you say something to offend someone,all hell breaks loose. If I don’t tell you the truth as the spirit gives it to me, then woe unto me. My intentions are not to deliberately hurt anyone, only for you to ponder and search yourselves. Having said this here is this week’s word.
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:8
How many of us are so far from these words or state of being? The answer lies within each one of us. Do you know what love is? I know that for myself for many years I didn’t know; I only knew I hadn’t found it in my life. When I went out into the world love was one of the things I was searching for. Truly, I believe we all are searching for love; both the good and evil have that yearning to be loved. We may not know love, but we desire it. Without love we have emptiness or a void in our soul.
Let’s explore the desire for love and how it affects our lives. Not knowing what love is sets us up to be deceived. The carnal mind cannot comprehend love; but it can comprehend lust. This takes on the form of love. We begin to think that love is self gratifying. This is far from the truth, because love is a giving spirit. It causes one to prosper and grow. Wherein lust takes and causes one to suffer.
Lust serves the flesh, which serves Satan. Love serves the spirit, which serves God. These two war against one another and have very different results. Gal. 5:17 Lust only cares for what “I” can get or it’s all about me. These carry over into our lives, relationships and family; causing all kind of problems. These problems go back as far as Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel and continue until now. Lust is the cause of most, if not all, of our problems in life. You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss (for the wrong reason), that you may spend it on your pleasures. James 4:2-3. The love (lust) of money is the root of all kinds of evil. 1 Tim.6:10. We tend to think that money will solve all our problems; how wrong that is. Money only makes way to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. There is no love involved. All kind of unspeakable deeds are done through lust. 2 Peter 1-4
Love accomplishes an entirely different purpose. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Jn 3:16. In this we see that love is giving and not taking. It is the opposite of lust. We cannot love if we do not know God, by receiving his Holy Spirit, by being born again. Then we receive the spirit of love. Oh! How great a love He has blessed us with. Amen.
Some have tried to say that Jesus’ sacrifice was self-serving. I disagree, the sacrifice of Christ was God’s demonstration of His love toward us, even while we were yet in sin, He loved us and sent His Son to die for us that we might be redeemed back to Him. Rom 5:8, 5:10
Having said this, do you have the love of God in you, by His Holy Spirit? Rom 5:5. Have you been born-again? Do you know God through our Lord Jesus Christ? Are you walking in that love? Do you have a form of godliness but deny the power (Holy Spirit)? Consider these questions and the answers, only you and God know if you are living in lust or love.
God bless and keep you and grant you His Grace and Mercy through Christ Jesus. Amen
If someone say “I love God “and hate his brother or sister, he is a liar; for who does not love his brother or sister whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? 1John 4:20
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