Sunday, June 6, 2010


Rev. 13:9 If anyone has an ear, Let him hear

This week I would like to address a very prevalent issue or problem that is consistent at one time or another in all our lives. The issue I’m referring to is communication. What does it mean to communicate? Communication is defined as “The exchange of ideas by writing, speech, or signals”. We communicate in various different ways by body language, verbally, and through the written word. So one must be apt in all three in order to fully receive or comprehend what is being communicated. Many of us fail to comprehend what is being communicated; because we actually believe we heard what was said. Sometimes it is because we believe we already know what is said or do not respect the person that is saying it. Therefore, failing to listen and sever communication.

Secondly, one must be a good listener in order to hear and learn. Listening means: To make an effort to hear something. Which brings me to my next point, how we listen. Do we listen to or at what is being communicated? What do I mean by that question? Well, an example of listening to is when someone speaks to you, you hear the words and they enter into your hearing, then enter into your brain and are processed into your understanding. It is then stored for future reference. Now an example of listening at; someone speaks something to you and you hear the words and assume you already understand what is being said. So the words do not enter into your brain for processing; because your brain is already convinced it knows so it rejects what is said.

Listening is an art, which must be learned and mastered, in order to know. We must know in order to achieve, we must achieve in order to grow. We learn to listen from birth through communication. The sounds a baby hears it learns to replicate, the actions it sees it learns to do, thereby perfecting the art of listening. As it learns and grow the brain starts to use what it learned and begins to think it knows. Then the art of listening starts to diminish. Those that continue to listen continue to learn and grow. Those that fail to do so become stagnated and limited. I attended class in college with a seventy year old woman; she had obtained a number of degrees. I asked her why she was still going to school? She replied “I may never use what I’m learning, but as long as I’m actively using my mind it will stay sharp. It reminded me of a saying “If you don’t use it you will loose it”. She was a perfect example of this saying. So in closing, always stay open to listening, learning, and achieving.

May God bless you with a sound mind, a strong and healthy body, so you too can achieve and do His perfect will. These and other blessings are my pray for you all, in the precious name of Jesus. Amen

Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him. Luke 8:18