Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Game of Life
The game of life is a very interesting subject. I have often wondered why people say that life is a game. Is it to try and rationalize the crazy things that happen? Is it an attempt to not take life so seriously? Is it our feeble attempt to keep our sanity? Either way, how can we take anything in life serious, if it is a game? As I observed life situations, I ask myself, how in the world can we expect to be taken seriously, when all we do is play games? From childhood to adulthood we play games. We only get paid when we get older. Think of it, getting paid to play a game, not only that, but games pay more than professions. People that go to college and get an education and work hard to get ahead don’t come close to making the kind of money that playing a game does. Now isn’t that ironic?
People that play at life are treated like celebrities. All because they can hit, bounce, throw, and kick a ball. Let’s not forget those that can sing, dance and act, don’t get me wrong, I’m not belittling those with talent, but there's something wrong with a world that put these things before honest professions. There are more people who attend sports, rap, and rock and roll shows than attend church. There’s got to be something wrong with that scenario. How can these things be more attractive than truth and love? The dope dealer on the street corner is more alluring to our children than getting a job. We have young people in their 30’s playing video games and they have children of their own, also grandchildren. So what does that tell us? That we need to grow up and stop playing games.
So I have come to the conclusion that we work at play and play at work. That’s kind of backwards, isn’t it? The world is a backward place, with backward people, playing games. Sure games are fun; they give us some relief and stimulate our imagination. They take us to a place where we can dream or believe that we can do these things, only if. We can’t always be serious, but we have to put things in proper perspective. We have to realize that life is not a game, but is real and should be seen as such. We need a balance in our lives, which is where the word of God comes in, to guide us through the serious times.
We have too many people playing church and not taking the word of God serious, and this behavior trickles down to our children. I have heard many say “I’m not going to church where those hypocrites are, they want to tell us what to do and they don’t do it themselves.” People need to get real, because God is real and is not playing games. Life is real and not a game; please put things in their proper perspective so that our children will have proper examples to follow.
I will close with a scripture that hopefully will be food for thought. It comes from 1 Corinth.13:11 and I quote: When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
So until next week, may God grant you his knowledge, wisdom, and understanding through Jesus Christ, our lord and savior and His grace and mercy. Amen.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Jesus - The Way, the Truth, and the Life
The truth “What is the Truth”? The truth of God, Pilate asked Jesus that question and got no answer. Why? Because he was not of the truth see John 18:38. He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the church. Remember in my former lessons I stated “man does not have free will, but he does have choice. What will you base your choices on, a lie or the truth? In John 18:37 Jesus stated “He came to bare witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.
The life, I’m sure that at some time in your life you have seen fields, gardens, and houses that have been neglected. There was no one to care for them and they deteriorated. Grass and weeds covered the area, choking out the crop that was planted. Houses fell apart, because they had no upkeep. Does this compare to you because you have not accepted Jesus Christ in to your life? If you will accept Jesus, You will be accepting God the Father that sent Him into the world as a propitiation for our sins. Thereby we won't be just sitting, waiting on someone to care, when our lives have fallen apart.
I’m sure some of you are wondering what does this have to do with me. My life is OK, I don’t want to Change my life. I like my life the way it is. Let me assure you it will not last things will change. What seems to be a good time today will be a bad time tomorrow. Some maybe saying I don’t need you preaching Jesus to me. Well, maybe not just know we are all born in sin and shaped in iniquity (Ps. 51:5). How can we be fine or OK? Have you look at the world we live in? I don’t have the time or space to list all that is going on and man is helpless to stop it. Believe me when I say “If you stay in something long enough you will become like it, thereby accepting the conditions as OK. What can I do to change it?
Nothing, if you like things the way they are; such as sickness, homelessness, violence, death, joblessness, have broken- homes, and families. Need I say more? You’ve tried everything else why not try Jesus? All he is saying is come home to God your father. He didn’t say he was God, he said that God sent Him and He was one with God. The works he did and the words he spoke were from God not him. Through Christ Jesus, Father God showed us the way to redemption. The truth about God and the relationship that He wants to have with us. Jesus came to show us the way to that abundant life, to free us from bondage. Don’t fool yourself Satan is real and this world is his kingdom. So until next week, “May the truth (the word of God) find its way into your heart, so that you too can have that abundant life in Christ.
Amen and Hallelujah!!!!!
In mercy and truth atonement is provided for iniquity; and by the fear of the lord one departs from evil. (Prov.16:6)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Will the real "Jesus" please stand
Brothers, this weeks subject will be controversial to some because of the subject "Jesus". Which is offensive to some and misdirection for other. This is because of disbelief or lack of knowledge. Hopefully, this weeks word will help to displace some or both. The scriptures state that in the last days there will be many false "Christ" that will deceive many. So, which do you follow, If any at all. Lets explore further, today there are many who call themselves Jesus and that they are him returned in the flesh. There are many who follow these false Christ's. Also there are many teachings, lies and falsehoods taught in His name. I will not be able to address all that needs to be expounded on this week. I will post it until it is finished, "Hallelujah"!!
First, Who was the real Jesus? What did he look like? The real Jesus was conceived of God, by the "Holy Spirit". There are many that disagree with this. Why? Could not a God that created the Heavens and Earth, created man from the dust of the ground. created woman from a rib of that same man,create life in an undefiled womb (a virgin)? A God that gave life to an old woman's dried up womb, and to an old man's seed long past age (Sarah and Abraham). Could He not create life in what He created? That same "Jesus" was the word of God , that became flesh and walked among us (John 1:14).
What did He look like? Well he did not look like the pictures that circulate among us. He was not white, with long hair and blue eyes. He was not Asian, Black, or many other ethnic persuasion that want to identify Him with their race. He was born of the linage of Abraham, Isaac,and Jacob (Israel). Now, as to what He looked like, let us refer to (Isaiah 53:2-3). He had no comeliness; And when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised and rejected by men. A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised and we did not esteem Him. Does this sound like the Jesus that you have pictures of or have pictured in your mind? This was the Jesus that went to the cross for you and me. Hallelujah!!!!!.
Now what does "Jesus" look like today; The resurrected "Jesus"? God does not leave us blind to his truth. The question is do you believe the scriptures? If so go to (Rev. 1:14-17). And I quote, His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like flames of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnance, and His voice as the sound of many waters. He had in his right hand seven stars, out of his mouth went a two-edged sword, and His countenance were like the sun shining in his strength. And when I saw him , I fell at his feet as dead. But He laid his right hand on me , Saying to me "Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last.
If these men do not look like this, How can they be Jesus? Jesus sits on the right-hand of God; how can He be back here? He has not been back since His resurrection and received unto the father (God).
How would one know this? Well, refer to the scriptures(2 Peter 3:10). But the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up; I ask you again has this happened? This is what will happen when Jesus returns. So beloved be not deceived; study to show yourselves approved of God, rightfully dividing the word. So until next week "May God Bless and keep you through Christ Jesus". Amen.